It happened very recently. And it happened to my young boys who, although have only recently entered the tens place of the age numbers, think they can already think responsibly for themselves and for their little mom. But what exactly happened is a matter of subjective review.

In the scheme of things, an ad flashed glorifying Australia as a tourist destination, which made my younger son, Darsh to recollect something and abruptly blurt out hence,

"हमें भी ऑस्ट्रेलिया जाने का मौका मिला था मगर हमने छोड़ दिया। हैं ना वासु ?" (We also got the chance to visit Australia but we left it. Right Vasu?)
"वो कैसे?" (How come?), I wondered, honestly shocked more than surprised. I imagined "how" more than "when" did these two got the opportunity to visit Australia? So, I requested elaboration on the random comment.
"वोह! हमने कल वो पैकेट ख़रीदा था ना, उसमे लिखा था कि अंदर एक कार्ड है जिसे स्क्रैच करने पर आप ऑस्ट्रेलिया जाने का मौका जीत सकते हैं।" (Well! We bought a snack yesterday and its wrapper read, scratch the card inside and win the chance to visit Australia.)
"फिर ?" (Then?), I asked matter of factly, anticipating much but keeping it all to myself.
"फिर ?" (Then?), I asked matter of factly, anticipating much but keeping it all to myself.
"हमने सोचा ऑस्ट्रेलिया जाकर क्या करना है, इसलिए स्क्रैच कार्ड रेपर के साथ ही फ़ेंक दिया।" (We thought what would we do in Australia, so threw away the scratch card along with the wrapper.)
As Darsh concluded his explanation, I was left rolling my eyes and laughing fit to split my sides. Though I wasn't expecting any miraculous opportunity passing them by, even remotely in my freakiest of imagination, but what came by was totally out of the blue hilarious. Now that's what I call making a mountain out of a molehill.
What do you think? ^_^
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