It seems like only yesterday when I first saw Darsh in the hands of the lady paediatrician, holding him like a young puppy; him looking equally confused, miffed and nervous as a young one of a dog; I was helpless as I was lying weak and frigid on the operation table right after the ceasarian. He was hardly a couple of minutes old, as she showed him to me with enthusiasm and congratulations ringing in her voice; I pecked on either side of his cheeks, as she insisted that I show my affection to my newborn.
And recently we celebrated his third birthday with usual quiet and courtesy. It was a purely family only affair: the cake cutting, singing of birthday wishes, shower of birthday presents and lots of excitement.
He has indeed grown up from the first time I met him.
I remember him as a hairy and a bit unattractive infant. He was an infant; a part of me and I loved him unconditionally. It only comes as a pleasant surprise how he has changed so considerably over the years; he charms everyone around him with his cute expressions, energy and spontaneity. He is considered as a goodlooking chap by most. Wonder of mother nature, indeed.
I often recall his infancy and badly long for experiencing his youngest toddler years all over again. [A deep sigh!]
Then I choose to be wise, and live in the present instead. I must enjoy the present, because today is going to turn yesterday tomorrow.
Belated happy birthday wishes to 'Darsh'. He is so cute.
Thanks Santoshi! :)
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