A heartthrob he is…
“Chayyyyo! Chayau! “, says Darsh, my 18 months old younger son, as he holds my hand tightly and pushes me towards him with full force. Thus he asks me to get up and accompany him. His perseverance leaves me with no other choice but to give in to his demand lest he may hurt himself but never give up.
Though it is too soon to comment on his nature and attitude, he seems to me an adventurous and go-getter soul.
He speaks hints of words used in day-to-day life in a cuckoo sound and understands whatever we say to him without a fault. He does all teeny-tiny jobs - putting utensils in the kitchen sink, fetching a certain item from the other room, switching on/ off light/ fan - with sincerity and promptness.
He believes in blind faith I guess. He would frequently jump off the table or bed without a forethought, leaving little time for the person standing nearby to react and take charge of the situation.
He calls Bhanu “Aanu”, Paani “Aani”, Naani “Aani”, Naanu “Aanu” and Khana “Kaana”. In the evening, when I am greeted with a cheerfull loud sound of 'Muummmmmy!!!!' from Vasu, Darsh repeats after Vasu - 'MMaannni!!!'. The 'Manni' sound unfailingly replaces the smile on my face with a heart-felt laughter. I response back with a cuddle and "I love you, Darsh!" He coos back “I aU”. When I say “Jai Jinendra” to him and ask him to wish me back, he mostly says “Jai Jinendra” back with his hand folded like they should be. When I ask him to pray, he sings haywire hints of Namokar Mantra. I can distinctly hear “Om”, “Namo”, “Nam”.
When he wants something, he says "Chaiye-Chaiye". Whenever he gets hurt, he approaches with a seeking face with one of his hand on the hurt body part and says in an equally concerned voice, “Kya ua…Kya ua... “.
When he does something wrong, he says in a tone as if complaining about someone else's wrong doing - “Kya kiya...Kya kiya..”. And of course, he calls TV "TE" and does not like his cartoon channel to be changed. Otherwise, he complains to me consistently pointing at the TV, "Mama! TE!.. Mama! TE!"
He seemingly uses a thorough thought before socializing with anybody elder and not family. But he never misses an opportunity of saying hello or initiating a conversation with a kid of his age.
He is a darling in the house. He imitates Vasu and Vasu gets his share of inspirations from him. On the lines of Vasu's fascination with changing clothes frequently, Darsh also chooses a shirt or a knicker for him from the almirah and asks us to put it on him.
He loves being cuddled and fondled. He already shows distinct signs of comprehension and interest in the world around him. Unlike Vasu at his age, he has been expressing himself quite clearly and showering us with a lot of attention and interest. I particularly feel bowled over when I call him loudly in the house, and he comes from one extreme corner of the house, making this sound - "Hunh??? Kya???", in a very matter of fact manner, like I respond when my name is called. And when I tell him to please bring me my purse from the other room, he ventures out on the mission without wasting anytime, seemingly in an eagerness to serve me.
Indeed, he makes my days and nights happier! My heartthrob! May Samyaktva dawn on him on asap basis! Amen! Jai Jinendra!
i was searching for mny days ur blog. now when i have got. i will read and comment. Darsh pictures are really b'tiful.
Hey Nidhi
U know what reading ur blog... one would actually want to have a baby :)
Keep writing...
reading ur blog ..one thing beomes certain..ur truly madly deeply in love with ur kids..but..i guess most mothers are....and thats why it helps if ur a writer..u can pen down ur thoughts...i am also a writer..and i feel its the best thing that has happened to me in life..this gift of being able to communicate with words...anywayz...what brought me to ur blog was ur name....nidhi jain...someone very close to me from my days gone by had the same name.......thats why i landed up here..anywayz....best of luck for ur professional life and give lots of love to ur lovely kids darsh and vasu...god bless
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