Have you ever felt like you cannot take it anymore... your patience runs out ...words in your mouth are no more warm and logically schemed... all you are left with is a sense of incompetence and frustration...
Well thats precisely what I feel at times when I am around my two sons, who are old enough to run around but not old enough to be prudent and careful in their choices.
Master of their independent moods and mind, they share an amazing chemistry and coordination. When one of them decides to be picked up by me, a sense of fiery competition prevails and I turn out to be the victim.

They surround me from both sides, vying for my exclusive attention and putting me at loggerheads thus. It is both overwhelming and irritating to find them wailing at the loudest decibels their tender lungs can manage and outdoing each other to prevail in the war for occupation of my lap!
It is particularly enchanting to watch the victorious looking down upon the lesser in his eyes and finding a peculiar joy in wondering what the other is doing now...[:D]
Eventually, I end the tug of war by holding them both side by side (torturing myself thus to an extent) and give them a taste of equality and sense of togetherness. [:D]

I must say I
cherish these moments of agony, as they bring home a very important point... that we are a FAMILY.[:)]
They are same side of the coin.
Do they really have indpendent moods and mind...They seems to be tied up with something. May be your mind and mood..... Just a thought
Two sides of the coin I meant for the irritation and ecstacy that follow from the same set of events...
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