How can I ever forget the evening when I saw my first born for the very first time. He was brought in by the nurse cuddled cosily in white cloth . I was extremely curious to see how my baby looked like. It was my very first experience as a mother. I had no idea my identity was about to assume a new dimension, shape and hue.
All the relations that mattered were present. They were holding him one by one... cheering about how cute he looked and ecstatic about the new addition to the family.
I was lying on the hospital cot paralysed by the medication that made the ceasarian possible. I could only move my eyes, as far as I can remember. I had been so worried throughout my pregnancy... no not about the sex of my baby.. but his overall mental and physical developments within me. All I wanted was a healthy and normal baby. Therefore, after the baby was before me, I was very content as I heard no bad news by the grace of God.
Though I wanted to see him as well and being temporarily handicapped could not reach out by myself, I still felt extremely patient. I felt so graceful and mature. Suddenly, my heart was filled with intense love, understanding and empathy for each one of my relations and beyond... I was rescued from the jail of petty negative feelings and self-centered social circle, forever...
And then my husband took notice that everyone else has seen him but me. He held him and brought him to the level of my bed so that I too could have a glimpse.

Oh my God! He looked so beautiful - the most miraculous sight of my life - the miracle of nature was before me! There I saw a little human being that took shape within my own mundane body! How can I be so worthwhile, I thought. How do I deserve such an outstanding experience of life? I am too petty to deserve the most beautiful infant on the face of this earth!
And listen to this...my baby chose to showoff his attitude on our very first eye to eye contact. As if discerned that there is someone to look for by his side, he subtly tilted his fragile neck in my direction, looked towards me inspectingly and instantly took his eyes off me with an impression as if someone just rejected the sight of a baselessly hyped celebrity. [:-D]
Thank you son for happening to me! Thanking you God for finding a deserving candidate in me for the job!
Hi mam...remember am Aashima...mam ur website is awesome...each line, each word is fabulous...filled with lots of luv n care of mother...i don ve the words to explain wat i felt...
hi! Nidhi,
After reading your blog, I just became a true fan of your writing. And I really admire your thoughts and expressions you have put into it. All parents love their kids and write about them in their baby books, but nothing like what you have expressed, It's just awsome. I am sure your kids would be more than happy to read your thoughts as a mother when they grow up. I must say keep up the great work and do save all the work some place safe, so just in case google goes down you don't loose any of this.
Aww...This is such a lovely post and such a cute picture. :* Take care! I'll be back soon. :)
P.S. I Always thought that I would have a blog like this, some day. Haha. You read everything I have in mind. :D
Thank you Smriti :)
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