A train of overlapping infatuations fixed by Vasu’s intrinsic whims and fancies discreetly reflect how he has grown fonder of action and arms with wearing oblivion.
Hypnotizing fancy for Harry’s wand overtook his enthrallments for elephant images in his toddler years only.
Ever since, the idea of owning a wand had been overshadowing just about everything else, till recently he displayed more excitement for bow & arrow and sword.

His fascination with Krishh's oomph, Harry's sky-scraping broomstick rides, Lakshman's impulsive vehemence and Ravan's roars explain his definite liking for power and the powerful. The marked contribution of ‘Nick Jr’ (a cable TV channel for children) in his inclinations cannot be ruled out. He enjoys watching Ninja Hathori and Perman the most, which are least educating and emphasize on (super) power quotient only.
Of late, Vasu has been demonstrating his keen interest in posing valiant, facing grand phony enemies (like the thundering clouds), trying out various stunts and enacting poor imitations of Taekwondo steps. Following is an account he made up for me, as he told me about how he taught his bullying Junior Nursery classmate a lesson.
"दिल्प्रीत ने मुझे धक्का दिया और मुझे बहुत ग़ुस्सा आया। मैंने अपनी तलवार निकाली और दिल्प्रीत डरकर भागने लगा। मैंने उसका पीछा किया और उसे तलवार से मारा।" (Dilpreet pushed me like this… (action) and I became very angry… I took out my sword from my back. Dilpreet was frightened and he started running॥ I ran after him… I ran fast after him with the sword in my hand… and then I caught Dilpreet and hit him with the sword)
Now isn’t this account bothersome to listen to from a just turned four year old? Well, I tried to reason it out with him without showing any evident aversions on his account. I just told him that we should live amiably with each other. Let's see how it goes...
Meanwhile, there are some positive sides that are solace to my heart. His fascination for peacocks sustains life with uncompromised zeal and enthusiasm over time. He may be hooked to Perman and Ninja Hathori whenever, he is equally interested in Peppa Pig and The Lazy Town. He finds CBeebies more cool than Nick Jr nowadays and prefers to watch Teletubbies, Tweenies, Big Cook Little Cook, Boogie Babies and TikkaBilla anytime. Teletubbies in specific is a favorite of both Vasu and Darsh, which is basically for toddlers and kindergartners, absolutely nature friendly. In fact this is one program that has stood the test of time and still manages to hold Vasu's 100% attention. Otherwise, Vasu has periodically loved Pogo,Disney, Nick Jr and gotten bored of them in due time. I keep telling myself that it is just a phase of growing years and there is nothing to be hyper about.