If you are a fellow parent then it will be easier to identify. If you are not even married, then you may try to understand.

This is an experience of parenthood that I am sharing herewith. As my first born is growing up day by day, week by week, month by month and year by year, I am discovering new layers of developments that take place in a human being in his/ her journey to acquire fully grown status.
There was a time he could barely support his neck, and mastering lanugage seemed a far fetched dream. But as the time is passing by, as if the dream is coming true...
Lovely it is - the experience to realise that your baby can talk, understand, obey, defy and most importantly pray! Yeah.. it is a divine feeling to find a genuine human being growing within your naive, unruly and unpolished baby.
So many developments have materialised in these short three growing years, enumerating each and every one will require a book out of me! But there are certain memories that happened very recently that I wish to freeze on this page in short.

The other day I was sitting on PC and Vasu brought me my glasses. Since the glasses were not mine, I took them from him but did not say anything. He tilted his face to have an eye to eye contact and said "You are welcome, Mommy!" And I could not help saying "thank you" after that.. An ideal implementation of Gandhigiri here:)
This weekend, Vasu fell pray to high fever for the very first time, so much that he could not handle the physical stress and broke into tears. I told him to pray and chant Namokar Mantra (Jainism mantra) and request baba to call him at Tijara (Jain pilgrimage). I did not know whilst whether he was getting the clear idea or logic behind what I was talking about.
And when during illness he would suddenly break silence into lound chants of Namokar Mantra, it just rendered me very emotional and proud. It happened at least two or three times.

And then the next day when I again went to the doctor to show his blood report, I coughed when sitting in the waiting area; he patted my back to relax my cough (as if he is the one who was in charge to take care). It was a very lovely experience.. as if all my efforts were paying off with bonus!
Now that he has gotten better, I am ensuring he takes rest by staying back at home away from work, and he is ensuring I do not take any rest! hheheeehhee
It is indeed outstanding to be a parent!
Cheers friends!